Exercise 2: Overview of Linkbot's Interface

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In this exercise we'll introduce you to Linkbot's report window and show you how it can be a power tool for organizing and maintaining your site. The main window (shown below) is divided into two frames: one on the left and the other on the right. The left side of Linkbot's report window can be toggled between one of nine views:

  1. URL Tree: Shows the site structure in a collapsible tree diagram. Useful for interactively exploring the site. For example, selecting the "All Links" icon in the URL Tree will display all the site's URLs in the Child Tab. The Webmaster can then use filters to view a subset of the site's objects.
  2. Broken Links: Lists all the broken URLs on the site. By selecting a URL in this list and then clicking on the "Parent Links" tab, you can see all pages that reference the bad link.
  3. Pages Referencing Broken Links: Lists all pages that contain one or more bad links. By selecting a page and then clicking on the "Child Links" tab, you can see all the bad links within that URL.
  4. New Pages: Lists pages that have been modified in a specified time interval.
  5. Old Pages: Lists pages that have not been modified in a specified time interval.
  6. Slow Pages: Lists pages that may be slow for visitors to download.
  7. Orphaned Pages: Lists unused files that are taking up space on the Web server.
  8. Pages Missing Titles: Lists pages that are missing an entry for the <TITLE> tag.
  9. All Links: Lists all the URLs on the site.

The right side of the screen can be alternated between one of five tabs:

  1. Child Links Tab: Displays the URLs inside the page selected on the left side of the report window.
  2. Parent Links Tab: Displays the URLs that reference the object selected on the left side of the screen.
  3. HTML Text Tab: Used for editing and repairing the actual HTML code.
  4. Browser Tab: Built in Internet Explorer browser for viewing the URL selected on the left side of the screen.
  5. Properties Tab: The Properties Tab provides a single view summary of the statistics of the URL selected in the left side of the window. This includes: status, description, title, author, file size and last modified date.

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